Jess's New Lunch

I’ve been reading a lot of childrens’ books lately, and much like a Taylor Swift song, the catchiest ones get stuck in your head.

As I unpack groceries: Chicka chicka boom boom, will there be enough room?

While exercising: Silly Sally went to town, walking backwards, upside down.

And washing bottles: Trainberry, trackberry, pick me a blackberry.

I think I’d like to write one! I’ll title it Jess’s New Lunch. At least that’s what I’ve been calling this new-to-me dish, and doesn’t it just sound like the name of a childrens’ book? Here’s how it would go:

Easy peasy at the fridge
Greens and garlic, just a smidge
Ginger, hot sauce, for some heat
Fry an egg, it’s time to eat!

Now if that doesn’t make kids want to try their leafy greens, I don’t know what will!

This recipe came to me via our CSA’s website via the pac choi index. I hesitate to even call my version a recipe, as it’s really a methodology, and I never measure. But it’s my current favorite way to eat greens, and you know I love greens [Exhibits A, B, C]. Served with microwaved rice (my favorite) and an egg (usually hard-boiled, from the fridget), it’s simply perfect!


Heat a tablespoon or so of canola oil in a sauté pan over medium heat. Grate a clove of garlic and about a teaspoon of fresh ginger over the pan and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add chopped greens (kale, chard, spinach, etc.) and cook until wilted. Remove from heat.

Meanwhile, pop a bag of 90-second rice into the microwave. Peel and slice a hard-boiled egg (or, fry an egg in a separate pan).

Add the rice, greens, and sliced egg to a bowl in that order.  Top with a squeeze or two of sriracha and salt and pepper (mostly over the egg).